This is a very straightforward way to finding out the truth about your husband. Most times, apps on the phone do not need any log in detail as the details are usually saved. If there are no apps, you can view their browsers, and visit his history page.
The difficulty with this method is that you must not be caught snooping around his phone. He is going to take it hard on you. The best thing to do is to politely ask for his phone on the pretense of making a call or something. You must have orchestrated a smooth plan with appropriate response. Be sure to know how to operate his phone if not, take out time to learn how to before hand. You can also look through his mailbox on his phone just in case you find nothing.
This is a very industrious and much effective option. If you are not able to do all that has been listed above maybe because you feel you might be sloppy, it is advisable you hire a private investigation. Go for a registered and professional private investigator.
These individuals charge certain amount of money and depending on how good, it could be quite expensive. If you are sure your husband is hiding something, then it is worth the while. if not, it is not too late to turn back now.
Private investigators have access to more databases and resources that you would ever have. They can also have what it takes to scan browsing histories and emails. Although, they might be able to go quite a length to find answers, they would definitely not go hacking into your husband’s phones and computers as it is punishable by the law.
?You can put on random searches on google to find if your husband is on a dating site. Input his names or nicknames and keep on accessing the results. Here, you are looking for his profile on dating sites. Better still, you can use his picture to search for him. Watch this video for how to search using his picture
?This should be the last thing you should do. If you find something out, you must confront him. You guys would have to sit down and talk about the whole issue. If you did not find any clue also, and you still feel he has something he his hiding from you, maybe it is high time you confronted him. In confronting you must take certain things into consideration. They include: